Uhhhmmm.nl De Verhalen en Belevenissen van Amélie, Kate, Filip en Rob

The first sex experiment

Leestijd: 2 minuten

Dear Mrs. X,

This is your first sex experiment. Today you will not wear panties or a bra. You will wear a blouse open at the collar, and you will not wear stockings. If your husband occasionally sees you dressing, he must not see you today. Let the skirt be long enough to make you feel comfortable, but it should not go past the knee. This is imperative. As you slide it up over your hips, feel the nakedness of your thighs, feel your ass naked against the fabric of the skirt. Then, if you can, sit before a mirror. Spread your legs until you can see your pussy, but do not touch. You should simply understand how easy it would be to expose you. Then the blouse. Feel your breasts as you button it, and then, the erotic sensation of your nipples against the fabric. Will it be cotton? Or silk? I wish you would tell me. And then I will insist: high heels today, but again, not so high as to make you feel uncomfortable. I want you to feel sexy, to feel it in your legs, your groin, your hips, your chest, the power you have over a man.

You will walk down the street, or sit at a table working somewhere, and they will be watching you. You are too innocent. How is it that you never seem to notice them all? So today, feeling your body more exposed than you typically might dare, imagine what they would do if they knew that underneath you are wearing nothing. Imagine the thoughts in their minds, imagine their cocks growing tight in their pants at the thought of running a hand up your thigh, or brushing a hand against your blouse. Can they see down your blouse? Look at their cocks as you walk down the street. I promise you will see the bulge in their pants. They will be looking up the line of your legs, and maybe you will be growing slightly wet at the thought of them seeing more. Feel your nakedness, feel the cool air between your legs, and imagine how close you are to being completely naked. Will you reveal more than is wise – as you sit, or turn, or bend over? Imagine if he came close. Imagine whispering the truth of today in his ear.

This is today’s sex experiment. If you are willing, I would be grateful if you would write an e-mail in response describing the results. Good luck.





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